
"There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all."
Erik Erikson

Child therapy ~ ages 9 to 12 ~
An in-depth interview with the child’s parents or caregiver takes place during the first session. A thorough assessment is done to obtain information regarding the presenting problem(s) of the child, medical and developmental history, clinical presentation of the child, scholastic history, social and peer group relations as well as family structure and dynamics of the child. Following the initial assessment, treatment will start in the form of play therapy. If needed, parental guidance will also be given.
Children often find it difficult to express their feelings and distress verbally. Therefore, these feelings and distress find expression in their behaviour. For this reason, play therapy is used to gain an understanding of children's subjective inner experiences as well as to alter these experiences.
Difficulties a child might experience:
Adjustment problems (e.g., moving, new school, coping with birth of sibling, illness, parents’ divorce, etc.)
Attention deficit/ hyperactive disorder
Elimination disorders (i.e., bed-wetting or soiling)
Behavioural problems (e.g., aggression, lying, stealing, etc.)
Death of a loved one
Separation anxiety disorder
Social problems